Falling Stars by JL Brooks Cover Reveal

Posted May 1, 2014 by Stephanie in Cover Reveal / 0 Comments

falling stars full cover


Author: JL Brooks

Release Date: May 27th, 2014

brick synopsis

falling stars kindlegraphDrugs, sex & techno music

It had all the makings of a perfect plot, and for bestselling author Lila Keaton-it was a hedonistic past she kept hidden far away. Many nights were spent crossing the velvet rope, dancing until dawn and bedding one of the worlds biggest DJ’s, Hunter Michaels AKA Arial Assault.

When Lila’s agent uncovers her thrilling secret, it appears as if nothing is off limits when it comes to pitching the story, whether Lila wants to tell it or not. Despite knowing her reluctance is career suicide, she cannot bring herself to open her heart once more to the man who nearly destroyed it.

Given the opportunity to escape her predicament, Hunter attempts to reconcile the pain he has caused, and rekindle the passion that was abandoned long ago. When a series of events causes history to repeat itself, Lila sets off unaccompanied through out the west to test her boundaries with the sensual and surreal, and ultimately come face to face with the only thing that can keep her from falling.

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About Stephanie

I'm a wife, mom of two, volunteer, reader, blogger, and author pimp. Welcome to my website!



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