The Refiner by Kristy Marie Release and Review

Posted July 28, 2022 by Renee Henson in Reviews / 0 Comments

The Refiner, a steamy, enemies-to-lovers romance by international bestselling author, Kristy Marie, is LIVE and FREE with KU!

The Refiner

Kristy Marie

The Hands of the Potters, Bk 2






Dr. Astor Potter was everything I despised in a man. 

It didn’t matter that he was my sister’s one-night stand or her closest colleague. 

I wasn’t charmed by his philanthropy or the way he made babies laugh using those ridiculous voices.

Dr. Potter was cold, detached, and reeked of disdain. 

Nothing mattered to him. 

Not the messages I left. 

Or the tears I shed. 

Nothing brought him to life. 

Until my sister died. 

And I placed my newborn niece in his arms. 

Her father’s arms.

He didn’t know about the baby. 

Neither did I.

They say love can’t be born from hate and grief. 

I’m inclined to agree. 

But then he asked me to stay… 

Renee’s Five Star Review

I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie’s Book Reports.

The Refiner is a really great read that melted my heart. Made me an emotional mess a few times. I laughed so hard too. It is just an absolutely beautiful story. This is the story of Astor and Keagen. I will go ahead and warn you that you are going to fall in love with them right from the start. Kegan is a video game story creator who had to fight hard for her position in a male dominated industry. She should be on cloud nine about her job but the news she gets that day will change her life forever. The news is about her sister Piper and her new born niece is left without a mom. Her father is the seemingly cold and aloof Dr Astor Potter who was her sisters good friend that she had a one night stand and he knows nothing of the baby. Try as she may to get ahold of him she can’t because he is gone on a charity mission. Key is not a fan of the good doctor who makes babies laugh one minute and seems like a cold someone you wouldn’t want to know the next. But when he gets back from his charity mission she is about to give him the shock of his life when she lays his newborn baby in his arms and tells him he is a father. I loved Keagan who is tenderhearted but loves to use sarcasm as her shield and armor. The girl to is in oh my gosh what do i do panic mode and trust me she is no fan of the good doctor at all. However Astor isn’t the man that she accuses him of being. He might show those things to the world of people who do not know him but once you know him he is nothing like she thought. The man has had his heart beaten and battered several times and he is a bit closed off when it comes to his heart but I really fell for him. Piper was his friend and the one who encouraged him always to slay his demons and I really loved that she pushed him but so despised that she died. My poor heart!! I don’t usually read a book that has death of anyone in a family like this for personal reason and they end up upsetting me so much and bam on cue I was a mess. But Keagan wants to do the right thing by her niece Tatum and the right thing is that she is with her father even if she doesn’t trust him as far as she can throw him. I loved watching them get to know each other and the end of this book is just pure perfection. This was my first Kristy Marie book too. I don’t know why I have never read her before but I will be reading her again if my poor heart can take it.

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About the Author:

A self-proclaimed reader enthusiast, Kristy started her writing journey back in 2009, reading and writing when her daughter was napping. Establishing her place in Corporate America (because something had to pay the bills), writing became her dirty, late-night secret.

After eight long years, she released her debut novel, Commander. It was a long road, but she can honestly say, the road less traveled had the most beautiful sights.

The only thing Kristy Marie loves as much as reading and writing is sports! Especially those that require muscles and a nice ass. Her favorite is, and always will be, baseball. She’s such a fan, that she even married her small town’s high school’s centerfielder where they still live with their three badass kids.


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About Renee Henson

Renee Henson has an obsession with reading and reviewing. Especially anything that is a dark romance, fairy tale retelling, MC, and is trying her best to love the PNR worlds. Nothing is quiet as exciting to her as reading a good book and then talking about it or making comments while reading with her friends that have read the book too. She is always happiest with her kindle in her hand and her nose is a book. She has been reviewing for Stephanie's Book Reports for over ten years.

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