The Sculptor by Kristy Marie Release and Review

Posted November 4, 2022 by Renee Henson in Reviews / 0 Comments

The Sculptor, a steamy, second chance, forbidden romance full of angsty tension and devastating secrets is LIVE and FREE with Kindle Unlimited! 

The Sculptor 

Kristy Marie

The Hands of the Potters, Bk 3


Dr. Duke Potter is no hero. 

Nor am I some damsel that needs saving—if that’s what we’re calling it. 

But that’s exactly what Duke thinks he did when he found me on the arm of a short-tempered congressman, arranged to be married. 

I should have told him the truth.

The real reason behind my involvement with the congressman. 

I shouldn’t have danced in his arms and reminisced about the time when we ran away together. 

But I most definitely shouldn’t have chugged that last drink and said, “I do,” marrying my childhood love. 

Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time Duke and I have caused a scandal. 

This time, though, we have more than just our reputations on the line. 

Duke will never let me go. 

There is no annulment in our future. 

Only the consequences of the devastating secret I’ve kept from our past.

The Sculptor is the next installment of the Potter brothers and features the youngest Potter brother, Duke. It is a full-length novel and features crossover characters from the novels, The Potter and The Refiner.

Renee’s Five Star Review 

I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie’s Book Reports.

Get ready to lose your heart to Duke while your heart is being ripped out. I thought this book was super emotional and it is a second chance romance. This is the story of Duke and Ramsey. These two for sure were soulmates who just lost their way to each other and now that they have found their second chance the time has come to take it and not really care what anyone else thinks. He finds her on the arm of a terrible congressman she is arranged to be married to and he can not let that happen. Sounds like it should be simple right. Get married, saving her from the congressman and live happily ever after. If only it was that easy. These two are going to have to fight tooth and nail for their happily ever after. This book is filled with moments that will have your heart skipping a beat. The passion is flying all over the place and then BAM a plot twist will slap you up the side of the head really hard. I really loved this story. I loved the characters and the banter they had. Sometimes it is hilarious and others just heartbreaking. I can’t say that you won’t have a serious book hangover after reading this book. It is angst filled and just oh gosh I don’t think I have just one word to sum it up. Just get this book and enjoy the ride. You will not regret it.

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About the Author:

A self-proclaimed reader enthusiast, Kristy started her writing journey back in 2009, reading and writing when her daughter was napping. Establishing her place in Corporate America (because something had to pay the bills), writing became her dirty, late-night secret.

After eight long years, she released her debut novel, Commander. It was a long road, but she can honestly say, the road less traveled had the most beautiful sights.

The only thing Kristy Marie loves as much as reading and writing is sports! Especially those that require muscles and a nice ass. Her favorite is, and always will be, baseball. She’s such a fan, that she even married her small town’s high school’s centerfielder where they still live with their three badass kids.


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About Renee Henson

Renee Henson has an obsession with reading and reviewing. Especially anything that is a dark romance, fairy tale retelling, MC, and is trying her best to love the PNR worlds. Nothing is quiet as exciting to her as reading a good book and then talking about it or making comments while reading with her friends that have read the book too. She is always happiest with her kindle in her hand and her nose is a book. She has been reviewing for Stephanie's Book Reports for over ten years.

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