Blog Tour: Dawn of Fate & Valor by Lucinda Dark and Rebecca Grey

Posted November 10, 2023 by Renee Henson in Blog Tour / 0 Comments

Born a royal heir.

Fallen from grace.

Dawn of Fate & Valor, an all-new fantasy romance and the second book in the Awakened Fates Series by bestselling authors, Lucinda Dark and Rebecca Grey is now available!

Born as the daughter of the Saintess Queen, now my hands are soaked in blood.

I am a killer. I am Awakened. I am a Queen without a throne.

Against the wishes of my escort guard, Solomon, I must seek the aid from the kingdom of my betrayer. As the connection between Solomon and I soars to new heights, one thing is becoming incredibly clear… My newfound abilities have brought with them secrets. Dreams torment me, and I am lost to understand what they mean … and why the image of my Goddess’s lover looks like Solomon.

A mad prince, a lost friend, mortal enemies … I have to find a way to save my country and my sanity.

Renee’s Five Star Review
I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie’s Book Reports. A queen without a throne and hands covered in blood. She was born a royal heir and has fallen from grace. However her escort guard does not want her seeing out the aid from the kingdom to find the person or persons who betrayed her. Soloman, oh my we all need a guard in our lives if he is like Soloman. These two have some smoking hot chemistry between them but things are never that simple. She is learning that since she has discovered the abilities that she now possesses, she is having dreams that torment her and is holding on to a whole lot of secrets. She can’t for the life of her figure out what the dreams mean or why her Goddess’s lover has the same face as Soloman. There is no doubt that she has to train and hone in on her new found skills, while Solomon has to fight the constant urge to protect Devonry. She needs to spread her wings and fly and he has to learn to accept that. This book is so good. You will be hooked and will not lay it down until you have finished the book. Now I need the final book in this series to find out exactly what is going to happen and how it is all going to come together.

Start reading today!

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Keep reading for a look inside Dawn of Fate & Valor!

SOLOMON Somewhere in the near future… Every cell in my body burns. Liquid fire pulses through my veins, spreading farther and faster with every beat of my insidious heart. My vision pulses black, then red, then black again. Yet, no matter how far gone I am, I can only focus on one thing. Her. Instinct alone has my body moving. I reach out, only feeling some small sense of relief when my fingers brush along Devonry’s jaw then up toward her ear. Finer than silk, her hair caresses the back of my hand. Even over my hardened flesh, goosebumps appear. Touching her is as familiar to me as the act of breathing, though I can’t recall any other time I’ve been allowed to explore her in such a way. Touching her is a sin. It has always been forbidden. Even now, as I do so, I feel a twinge of shame. I know this is not allowed, but I can’t stop myself. Not when my bloodthirst rides me so hard. I don’t want to stop. Perhaps, then, I am only meant to be a sinner. For in this moment, I can think of nothing greater than taking her. I would give my life for this one singular moment where I am allowed to touch all of her tender flesh, to feel her against my naked skin, to breathe her in.  She’s everything I’m not allowed to have. My Princess. My Queen. My Devonry. If we can never be then why do the gods plague me with this constant need for her? Why do my Awakened senses scream her name? Why do I want to claim her and ruin her for anyone else? Shame settles into my bones, an ancient ache that I can never quite rid myself of. In the end, I’m a weak man. Unable to keep myself from the intensity of my desires no matter the knowledge of her betrothal or commitment to her country. With fangs protruding, my muscles aching from the stretch of my Awakened form, and my skin hardening, my mind races from one thought to the other. My imagination, always so vivid, comes up with a thousand different ways her blood might taste. All of them send a current of want straight to my cock. Her petite frame feels impossibly small between my arms. Fragile even. The soft, feathery slide of her hair over her shoulder makes me so achingly aware of the scent that stems from her throat. Still, I try to touch her as if she’s breakable. The rough pads of my scarred hands move over her unbroken pale skin, gingerly caressing it. Devonry shrinks away from the touch. Flecks of gold reflect in her gaze, glimmering like small gems in the ocean of her irises. Her eyes are wide as she watches me.  In turn, I force myself to curl my fingers into my palms, the long sharp nails protruding from my fingertips digging into me. With my back against the stone wall, all I see is her. The thick scent of soil further within the cave disappears until the pinpoint of my vision is centered only on the one in front of me. Hunger. Denial. Rage. Pain.  I feel it all and it wraps its claws around me, stabbing deep and reminding me of the promise I made to her father. Even so, I cannot refute that this is what I’ve always wanted. Her. Just her. A growl rumbles from the primal thing inside of me, the part of myself I try to keep caged but am so greatly failing at hiding now. The noise tumbles over my lips, every part of me that is human only a breath away from being gone. My chest heaves with the intensity of each inhale and exhale. Dangerous. I’m everything I’ve sworn to protect her from. I want her. Gods above, I need her. Crave her. I fear that I’ll take her whether or not she truly wants this.

For more information about Lucinda Dark and her books, visit her website:

For more information about Rebecca Grey and her books, visit her website:

About Renee Henson

Renee Henson has an obsession with reading and reviewing. Especially anything that is a dark romance, fairy tale retelling, MC, and is trying her best to love the PNR worlds. Nothing is quiet as exciting to her as reading a good book and then talking about it or making comments while reading with her friends that have read the book too. She is always happiest with her kindle in her hand and her nose is a book. She has been reviewing for Stephanie's Book Reports for over ten years.

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