Blog Tour: Homestead by Claire Kent

Posted June 5, 2024 by Renee Henson in Blog Tour / 0 Comments



Claire Kent

Release Date: May 17



After losing the last remaining member of my family, I’m left all alone in a dangerous, uncivilized world. A twenty-three-year-old woman with no skills, no resources, and no protection can’t make it on her own after Impact, so I’m forced to rely on the charity of strangers to survive.

My one chance of safety and security comes from an unexpected offer. Jimmy Carlson needs a partner. He wants help in his house and a woman in his bed, and he’d like that partner to be me. In return, I get a place to live, plenty of food, and the protection of a competent man and his larger community. It’s a good deal, so of course I accept.

It means I have to live with a gruff, stoic man I barely know. All the new chores around the house are difficult enough, but they’re not my biggest challenge. Because I’m now Jimmy’s woman… whatever that means.

Renee’s Four Star Review

I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie’s Book Reports.

Chloe is in a bit of a mess. The world as they know it has ended and her only remaining family member has died. She is twenty three and not prepared well at all to survive on her own. But that doesn’t stop her from trying really hard. Jimmy is a widower and all alone in this world too where survival is the name of the game. He also has needs and she needs help to survive. And lets face it. I am sure if the world has ended you do not want to be alone. So they strike up a deal. She has a home and he has all his needs tended to. It’s a story of two people building a life together in horrible circumstances but they are also doing some serious hiding of their feelings. Chloe was just fourteen when the impact that ended the world as they knew it happened and she had been living in total isolation with her grandfather since. I wanted her to be a little bit stronger in this book. I would think if the world had ended and survival was what needed to happen you wouldn’t isolate yourself and learn all you could about surviving so when you were alone you would know what to do. Also why oh why are there so many bodily functions in the book. I mean we all know they happen but I wasn’t to crazy about treading about them. We get it he stinks and likes to fart. UGH I don’t know that I would have thought about that if it hadn’t been described in detail. However I liked Jimmy and I guess since they decided to be together for convenience sake then there wouldn’t be much chemistry between them. But when things go physical I would have thought we would have seen some sort of spark between them.

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Meet Claire Kent

Claire has been writing romance novels since she was twelve years old. After teaching English at the university level for several years, she started writing full-time under two different pen names. She lives in Virginia.

Her early books are sexy contemporary romances filled with heat and real emotion, but with the Hold series she transitioned to science fiction romance. Her current books are steamy post-apocalyptic romance set in the near future after a global catastrophe. They feature smart, resilient women trying to survive in a new chaotic world and falling in love with strong, gruff, taciturn men.

Claire also writes softer contemporary romances as Noelle Adams, and the best way to reach her is through her Noelle Adams email and social media accounts.

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About Renee Henson

Renee Henson has an obsession with reading and reviewing. Especially anything that is a dark romance, fairy tale retelling, MC, and is trying her best to love the PNR worlds. Nothing is quiet as exciting to her as reading a good book and then talking about it or making comments while reading with her friends that have read the book too. She is always happiest with her kindle in her hand and her nose is a book. She has been reviewing for Stephanie's Book Reports for over ten years.

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