Blog Tour: Bloody Savage God by Jordan Grant

Posted June 22, 2023 by Renee Henson in Blog Tour / 0 Comments


Bloody Savage God (Godless Heathens #1) by Jordan Grant is LIVE!!! Don’t miss this all new twisted, dark romance! 

ONE-CLICK Book 1, Bloody Savage God today!!!

Pre-order the rest of the Godless Heathens series!

Wicked Vile King – Book 2

Dirty Twisted Lord – Book 3



Leave humanity at the door. 

Only godless heathens survive here.  

— Saint — 

Chryseum Reformatory Academy aka the Asylum. 

This is where the rich send their screwed-up sons and daughters, delivering them to a prison in the Catskills of New York. 

The Asylum doesn’t cure. It camouflages, protecting old money from apples rotting on the family tree. 

They call me a psychopath, a lunatic, unhinged. 

But here, I am god. 

Now, say your prayers at the door, pet, because this is my senior year, my school, my world. 

Even God doesn’t step foot here. 

— Willow — 

I didn’t want to kill myself, not really. 

I wanted help. 

I wanted someone—anyone—to listen. 

But I’m just a flesh-and-bone cry for attention. 

Now, my father’s shipped me here, where evil and old secrets seep through the cold, stone walls. 

An inky-haired guy with a devilish smile offers me protection, but his price is high. 

Wear his collar. 

Be his pet. 

Give myself to him, body and soul.

Renee’s Five Star Review 

I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie’s Book Reports.

This is a dark book. You will want to heed the warning in the beginning of the book. It will contain triggers for some readers. This is the first book in the Godless Heathens Series. This is the story of Saint and Willow.
Chryseum Reformatory Academy or the Asylum is where the rich send there messed up sons and daughters. Because of their old money they have to protect their legacies from the rotten that could ruin them. Saint, how to describe Saint in words. He is a guy who has no empathy for anyone. If he feels like doing it he does whatever he pleases with no remorse. The guy has honestly never had a feeling in his life about anything ever. But, when Willow walks in to Chryseum Reformatory Academy his interest in her is immediate. For the first time ever in his life. I can’t tell you anything that happens after that because you need to experience that for yourself. What a book. You will not put it down, question everything and maybe worry about your morals. It was a great read and I can’t wait to see what the next book brings. This is a complete story so you do not have to worry about it ending on a cliff.

View the full content warning on Jordan’s website here:

Add the GODLESS HEATHENS series to GR: 

Bloody Savage God – Book 1


Wicked Vile King – Book 2


Dirty Twisted Lord – Book 3


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 Jordan Grant is a lost soul, who changed majors three times in college before deciding on English. Because she has about as much patience as her beautiful, wonderful (did she mention ah-mazing!) younglings, she graduated a year early and then went to law school because, well…

She mentioned she’s a lost soul, right?

The lawyer-turned-romance-author has a special place in her heart devoted to edgy alpha males and bad boys with naughty mouths. She loves to get lost in the blur between love and hate and is especially fond of prince charmings with dents in their crowns and strife in their souls.

She is an avid fan of all things sweet including red wine and cupcakes (red velvet, please!). When she’s not daydreaming about the characters in her head, she enjoys (attempting to) garden, petting furry animals, and wrangling her family into day-trip adventures.

For content warnings and to learn more, visit Jordan’s website at



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About Renee Henson

Renee Henson has an obsession with reading and reviewing. Especially anything that is a dark romance, fairy tale retelling, MC, and is trying her best to love the PNR worlds. Nothing is quiet as exciting to her as reading a good book and then talking about it or making comments while reading with her friends that have read the book too. She is always happiest with her kindle in her hand and her nose is a book. She has been reviewing for Stephanie's Book Reports for over ten years.

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