Compel by Candice Wright Release and Review

Posted November 20, 2022 by Renee Henson in Reviews / 0 Comments

Title: Compel
Series: Death in Bloom #2
Author: Candice Wright
Genre: Dark Stalker Romance
Release Date: November 17, 2022
The last time I ignored the red flags, I almost died.
Waking up in a body bag tends to put things into perspective.
My scars are a reminder to stay in my lane.
I don’t take risks. I don’t take candy from strangers. I don’t leave my doors unlocked,
And I never, ever play with monsters.
Until Kenzo,
My next red flag.
With his sinful looks and wicked mouth,
He’s a silver-tongued devil in disguise
And my one-way ticket to hell.
Women are just a means to an end,
A release after a day spent seeped in chaos and violence.
They’re all the same: blonde, curvy, interchangeable Barbie dolls.
I get in, get off, and get out.
That’s my motto for an easy life.
Until Trix.
My new complication.
With her scarred body and haunted eyes,
She quickly becomes my obsession,
And broken dolls are much more fun to play with.
Author note: Kenzo is more villain than white knight so please only read Compel if you have a crooked moral compass and like your heroes on the deranged side like I do.
**This book plays with the darker side of love, such as obsession, infatuation, and the power plays made to obtain it.**
Triggers: It goes without saying that this book contains dark elements that some readers may find uncomfortable, including offensive language, graphic violence, and explicit sexual situations. (Further triggers will be listed at the front of the book.) Suitable only for those aged eighteen and over.
Please do not read this book if you’re related to me unless you can get real cool about a lot of things real fast.
Renee’s Five Star Review 
I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie’s Book Reports.
This is a dark book. You will want to heed the warnings in the beginning of the book. It will contain triggers for some readers. Gosh I don’t even know if I know what to say and not say something that is going to be a spoiler. This book is a twisted epic good time and you will not be able to lay it down once you pick it up. Trix and Kenzo are going to have you turning pages like a crazy person. If you love a good dark twisted antihero then you have found one in this book.. He is not a man that hides the monster that lives inside of him. He will crack you up but you have to have a darker sense of humor. However within the second of that giggle leaving your mouth you are so going to want to throat punch him. Trix is our little damsel in distress, or is she?? Well I can’t tell you but she meets Kenzo and this book just got a whole lot more interesting. I don’t want to talk about the story and give something away. I devoured it. I read it in one sitting and I am still having one heck of a book hangover from it. You don’t want to miss this one.
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Candice Wright is the international bestselling author of the Underestimated Series. Hailing from the UK, Candice lives with her three slightly unhinged children and the long-suffering partner. When she isn’t busy raising the next generation of crazy, you can find her sitting at the computer writing words she hopes will resonate or snuggled up reading stories by the authors that cultivated her love of the written word.

About Renee Henson

Renee Henson has an obsession with reading and reviewing. Especially anything that is a dark romance, fairy tale retelling, MC, and is trying her best to love the PNR worlds. Nothing is quiet as exciting to her as reading a good book and then talking about it or making comments while reading with her friends that have read the book too. She is always happiest with her kindle in her hand and her nose is a book. She has been reviewing for Stephanie's Book Reports for over ten years.

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