Devious Game by Bri Blackwood is available now!
https://geni.us/DeviousGameBB FREE with Kindle Unlimited

This is the first book in the Brentson University Series from Bri Blackwood. This is a dark college enemies-to-lovers romance trilogy and may contain triggers for some readers. You need to heed the warnings in the beginning of the book. It will end in a cliffhanger.
This is the story of Raven and Nash. Raven and Nash have a past and we get to see that past and Raven has left town and never looked back. Until, she receives a mysterious message one day that tells her if she wants to find out more about her mothers death then she need to return home to Brentson right away. It s been two years since she left the town and Nash. Returning was never her intention and she is shocked when she gets there and she is met with some horrible hostility. The boy that she was in love with when she graduated high school in now this hostile bitter man that she doesn’t even know anymore. She left without saying a word because she had to and maybe she should have explained everything to him if she could have but she couldn’t and his hostility has had years to grow and is shocking to Raven. Now a man who is about to join a prestigious society known as the Chevaliers, he has been invite to try for the position of chairman but first has to complete a challenge that is laid before him. His challenge is to own his greatest enemy and weakness, Raven Goodwin. However just like he has grown into a young man, Raven has grown and changed too and is not longer the girl he knew in high school and she is going to need all of the feistiness she now has inside her to stand up to Nash since his is more than determined to complete the challenge and take his place in the Chevalier’s.
There is so much going on in this book that you are going to be reading and turning pages as fast as you can. After all this is a fast paced book that sucks you in from the first chapter and you are fully immersed in the battle raging between Raven and Nash. I can promise you that you are going to want to slap Nash up the side of his head more than one time. I was a total Raven fan and was cheering for her the entire time. I loved that feisty personality that she had going on when she was standing up to Nash. I have to say too that the cliffhanger is going to cause you some major omg do not throw the kindle against the wall stress. Or your going to be sitting there with your mouth hanging wide open. Either way you react you will be wanting the next book, Devious Secret in your hot little hands right that second. Good thing it is only until September and that in the grand scheme of things will be here before we know it!! Thank Goodness!!! This is a book you do not want to miss.

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