Dirty Girls by Lily White Blog Tour Reviews + Giveaway

Posted January 31, 2020 by Stephanie in Blog Tour, Giveaway, Reviews / 0 Comments

Published by Self-published Genres: Romantic Suspense
Format: eARC
Title: Dirty Girls
Author: Lily White
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: January 29, 2020
They were the boys any good girl knew to avoid.
Rich and privileged.
Gorgeous and cruel.
The poster boys for rebellion…their tongues so sharp they cut to the bone.
We worshipped them despite their dangerous games.
We laughed even as we cried.
It was all fun and games until the first dirty girl died.
Now, as the bodies pile up, I believe I can endure their wicked ways. Only time will tell if I’ll escape.
Because when wealthy boys are accustomed to getting everything they want, not even the lives of those around them are too high an asking price.
Warning: This book is a dark romance. If you are looking for a sweet and tender story, you won’t find it here.
Christina’s Four Star Review:
Is it just me, or does it feel like I’ve been waiting forever for another Lily White Book? So you can imagine my excitement when I found out this book was being released. Holy Cow!!!!! This does not disappoint people. So buckle and be prepared to NOT put this down. I didn’t.
Olive has been living in a pretentious town full of pretentious teenagers for what seems like forever. Everyone has money. Everyone is fake and everyone knows it. But that’s not exactly how things are for Olive. Ever since her parents died, it’s been her and her brother barely getting by. And now? Now it seems like her world hasbeen flipped upside down again because the one person she should be avoiding, is living with her.
The last thing Jonah wants to do is return to the town he grew up in. Why? Because sometimes it’s easier to escape life than deal with it. Especially when you’ve become a Federal agent and you’ve seen things that no one else should ever see. But when he’s asked to return home to help with a cold case, it becomes clear that his old town hasn’t really changed that much. Well maybe some things change, because Olive sure is different.
I will bet that you can read five different reviews for this book and still be confused as to what this is about. Why? Because there is SOOOOOOO much going on in this book with twists and turns that you will honestly have NO idea where this author is taking you. That is until it literally slams in our face. Do me a favor. Don’t try to figure it out, just enjoy the ride.
Renee’s Four Star Review:
I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie’s Book Reports.

They were the boys any good girl knew to avoid. Rich and privileged. Gorgeous and cruel. The poster boys for rebellion–their tongues so sharp they cut to the bone. We worshiped them despite their dangerous games. We laughed even as we cried. It was all fun and games until the first dirty girl died. Now, as the bodies pile up I believe that I can endure their wicked ways. Only time will tell if I’ll escape. Because when wealthy boys are accustomed to getting everything they want, no even the lives of those around them are too high and asking price.

This would have been a five star read for me but I am telling you that it took me forever to get into this book. There are so many characters that it just took a while to get it all going for me. However once you do get going you really are going. The book too is told from multiple points of view too. Olive Reid is a high school senior that has an older brother that takes care of her since their parents died. They live in a town full of rich teenagers and she refuses to be one of the cool kids. However that doesn’t stop the attraction she has to Soren Callahan, who by the way is the ring leader of the social scene and in the midst of an unsolved murder Soren is back in town and living with Olive and her brother. While most of the town is ready to move away and on from the unsolved murder the FBI is now involved and he is not going to give up until he finds out what happened. That about all I am going to tell you. You have to read and figure out the twist and turns and things you will not see coming. It’s a good book so if you are like me and it takes a while to get into it don’t give up it will pick up and then you will love it.

“Lily White at it again, she likes to whip you with suspense, choke you with mystery, and keep you guessing until very end!” ~Amazon review

“… a fascinating, disturbing, intriguing and thought provoking read.” ~Amazon Review

I was putting distance between us with each step, the numbers growing faint until I barely heard ten. They had to be a good distance away, but I didn’t think it would be enough. Already, thin branches had grabbed at my hair and ripped individual strands from my head. My feet had stumbled over stones on the ground and roots that were growing too high up. Every so often, thick patches of bushes would block my way, causing me to turn left or right to avoid them. I was engulfed in darkness, the moon and stars hidden above the canopy of trees, and eventually the forest around me grew silent. I could only hear my heavy breathing. But I didn’t stop. Didn’t turn to see if I could hear footsteps behind me, didn’t slow down to give myself even a second to catch my breath. I just kept going without concern for where I would end up, as long as it was away from them. For a moment I believed that I’d somehow outrun them, but when a tree blocked my path and I had to dodge to avoid it, a hand slapped at my arm causing me to scream. I turned again and ran in a different direction with deep laughter booming from where I had been. I was being corralled, but still I kept running, even when my body wanted to give out.

Lily White is a romance writer who likes to dabble on the taboo side of eroticism. She is most known for her Masters Series, Target This, Wishing Well, and Asylum. In addition to dark romance Lily writes contemporary romance, taboo romance, and psychological thrillers. Lily enjoys stretching her writing muscles by continuing to challenge herself with each book she publishes.


About Stephanie

I'm a wife, mom of two, volunteer, reader, blogger, and author pimp. Welcome to my website!

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