Hate You Always by Jennifer Sucevic Release & Review

Posted June 2, 2023 by Renee Henson in Reviews / 0 Comments


HATE YOU ALWAYS by Jennifer Sucevic is NOW AVAILABLE!!

Grab your copy now!


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It all starts with a bucket list and a romance novel…

I’ve known Ryder McAdams my entire life. We’re neighbors and our families are besties. He’s also friends and teammates with my younger brother, Maverick.

But Ryder and me?

We’ve never been close. In fact, I’ve always gotten the distinct impression he doesn’t like me very much. He goes out of his way to ignore me.

Know what makes it worse?

The electricity that hums in the air every time our gazes collide. It sizzles through my body until I feel it in the tips of my fingers and toes. Whoever said that you can’t control who you’re attracted to was, unfortunately, right.

I’ve done my best to stomp it out.

We’ve been at Western for three years and only come in contact when forced to interact. He’s busy partying it up and getting it on with his fangirl club. I’ve spent most of my college experience studying at the library so I can apply to the med school of my choice.

One drunken night changes everything when Ryder takes me home and finds the bucket list I wrote before freshman year.

Know how many things I’ve ticked off since then?

Zero. Zilch. Nada.

For some strange reason, Ryder decides he’ll be the one to help tackle each item before graduation.

That would be all fine and good, except there’s some pretty schmexy stuff on there…

Like the big O.

Renee’s Four Star Review 

I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie’s Book Reports.

Juliette has always lived next door to Ryder McAdams. Their families are the very best of friends. He is teammates with her brother and is always around it seems like. But he always acts like he doesn’t like her very much. He really goes out of his way to ignore her at school too. But every time their eyes connect, electricity is flowing through the air and she can feel it all over her body. No matter how hard she has tried to put out the attraction, nothing works. However the only time they interact now is if they are forced to. In college he is busy partying and living it up. Seeing all the girls he could possibly ever want to see. He has a fan club of sorts. She on the other hand has spent most of her college time in the library so she can apply to the med school of her dreams. The only thing she every has come close to having fun with is her romance novels and a bucket list. One she made on a whim and have every intention of checking off items on it but hasn’t. However things might get interesting when she gets tipsy at a party and Ryder takes her home and finds her bucket list. Deciding she needs help accomplishing her list he decides she will be the one to help her out. This isn’t just your ordinary jump off a cliff list, but one that could make things between them very interesting. You have to read and see what I’m talking about and what happens. I really enjoyed reading this book.

Find other books by Jennifer Sucevic here: https://www.jennifersucevic.com


Jennifer is a USA Today bestselling author who has published seventeen New Adult and Mature Young Adult novels. Her novels have been translated into both German and Dutch. Audiobooks are also in the works. She has a bachelor’s degree in History and a master’s degree in Educational Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She spent five years working as a high school counselor before relocating with her family. Jennifer lives in the Midwest with her husband and four children.


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About Renee Henson

Renee Henson has an obsession with reading and reviewing. Especially anything that is a dark romance, fairy tale retelling, MC, and is trying her best to love the PNR worlds. Nothing is quiet as exciting to her as reading a good book and then talking about it or making comments while reading with her friends that have read the book too. She is always happiest with her kindle in her hand and her nose is a book. She has been reviewing for Stephanie's Book Reports for over ten years.

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