Hooked by Emily McIntire Release and Review

Posted September 7, 2021 by Renee Henson in Reviews / 0 Comments

Title: Hooked
Series: Never After #1
Author: Emily McIntire
Genre: Dark Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 7, 2021
Once upon a time, there was a little boy.
His belly full of laughter, his life full of joy.
Until one day something changed; stripped his innocence away.
The hole inside making space for the devil to come and play.
His dreams gone forever, he grew up way too fast.
An endless night of crocodiles and watches made of glass.
He grew into a villain, the taste of vengeance on his tongue.
Craving to make his enemies pay for the misdeeds they had done.
Instead he found a darling girl and refused to let her go.
For what better way to make a man pay, than to steal his little shadow.
Renee’s Five Star Review
Hooked is a full standalone book so you do not have to worry about the cliffhanger. But I will warn you that once you start this book you are not going to want to put it down. It is a dark fractured fairy tale that I was sad to see end. Now I have to review it and am not sure how to do that without giving something away. But this is the story of James or “Hook” and Wendy. This guy has had a really rough life. He has lost everything and when his uncle took him in his life was not what it was suppose to be but a life of constant torture and abuse. Soon though he meets a man named Ru who changes his life and might as well be his dad. He really loves and respects Ru and together they rule the town. Then we have Wendy who had a dad and a brother and her father is always away. Even moves them to a new town and is just never there. But he owns a airline and then he has his side evil business that he doesn’t want his kids to know about. Wendy has a brother John and he pays even less attention to him than he does Wendy. When her friend from the coffee shop want her to go out of the night they end up at the RJ where a fake ID does not work but because he likes what he sees Hook lets them in and the attraction is instant. She is all sweet and innocent and he is the exact opposite. They have a great push and pull and some serious chemistry. That is all I can tell you about the book too. I loved every second I spent between the pages. It is dark and gritty and absolutely delicious. It too is my first book by Emily McIntire but it won’t be my last.
Free in Kindle Unlimited
“Beautiful,” he says.
It’s one word, but it caresses me like velvet, my insides purring at his approval. “You too.”
He smirks. “You think I’m beautiful?”
His tone is playful, and it ignites that same foreign fire from the first night we met, when I wondered what it would feel like to be a different type of Wendy. My eyebrow quirks. “What, you think a man can’t have beauty?”
“A man can have many things, darling.” He steps in closer. “But the only beauty I hope to have tonight is yours.”
My stomach flips, butterflies bursting like a cannon. “Your mouth should be illegal,” I mutter. “So… where are you taking me?”
Angie laughs. “Who cares where he’s taking you, girl? Just go.” She makes a shooing motion with her hands.
James glances her way before resting his palm on my lower back. “She’s right, you know. You should relax, let me wine and dine you properly.” He leans in, his lips skimming the top of my ear. “And if you’re a good girl, maybe I’ll show you the real reason why my mouth should be illegal.”
Heat floods my body, swirling through my insides and pulsing between my legs. I huff out a surprised breath, my fingers pushing against his chest. “That’s extremely presumptuous.”
His eyes sparkle, his hand never leaving my back as he moves me toward the door. “Just letting you know what’s on the menu.”
He leads me outside to a blacked-out Audi. My hand reaches to grasp the handle, but before I can, he’s there, opening the door and helping me in. My heart skips. Such a simple gesture, but one that makes me feel special. Taken care of.
“I feel like I should be offended,” I say as he slides into the driver’s seat.
He grins, starting the car but leaving it idle as he twists to look at me. “Why?”
“You just told me to be a good girl, and you’d… you know.”
His brow rises. “I’m not sure I do.” He moves quickly, leaning over the console, his body crowding me until I press back against the seat. He skims his nose up my neck, and my stomach cramps so tight I lose my breath. “Because I want to put my mouth on you?” His lips dance from my ear down my jaw until they’re hovering above mine. My heart slams against my chest. I am so out of my element. “I promise you’d like it,” he whispers.
And just like that, his body heat disappears as he moves to his side of the car and reverses out of the lot.
Emily McIntire is an Amazon Top 20 best selling author of painful, messy, beautiful romance. She doesn’t like to box herself into one subgenre, but at the core of all her stories is soul deep love.
A long time songwriter and an avid reader, Emily has always had a passion for the written word, and when she’s not writing you can find her waiting on her long lost Hogwarts letter, chasing her crazy toddler, or lost between the pages of a good book.

About Renee Henson

Renee Henson has an obsession with reading and reviewing. Especially anything that is a dark romance, fairy tale retelling, MC, and is trying her best to love the PNR worlds. Nothing is quiet as exciting to her as reading a good book and then talking about it or making comments while reading with her friends that have read the book too. She is always happiest with her kindle in her hand and her nose is a book. She has been reviewing for Stephanie's Book Reports for over ten years.

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