In Too Deep and Never Too Late by Morgan Jane Mitchell Reviews and Giveaway

Posted May 18, 2014 by Laura in Giveaway, Promotional / 0 Comments


In Too Deep by Morgan Jane Mitchell


“I’m going to fix you Loraine. I know what you need… you’ve never been with a real man. You need to let a man take charge for a change.”
Loraine has no problem getting what she wants from a new man every night but has never let one in… literally. Rick needs it multiple times a day but has never kissed a woman, on the mouth that is… When two sex addicts agree to cure each other so they can be with other people, will they get in too deep?

Review: 4 Stars

Forbidden Fruit is full of amazingly hot stories from a lot of talented authors. I flew through the book because I got ingrossed in each story. It is full of all kinds of forbidden fantasies. My only critiques was there were some editing errors that got a little distracting but it wasn’t terrible. I loved the characters and all of the story-lines. They also left me wanting more. I can’t wait for volume 2. It’s a great price and well worth the read.

I really enjoyed Never Too Late and thw twist that came with the two sex addicts.  I liked the arrangement they made even though it really is all kinds of messed up.  It was a fast read that was really sexy.  I loved the characters and the ending because it left me wanting more ASAP!

Get In Too Dee in the Forbidden Fruit Anthology Vol. 1


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Never Too Late by Morgan Jane Mitchell


2 sex addicts had a deal… It didn’t include falling in love…
The wildly anticipated second installment in the erotic romance series Table 21 includes Rick’s POV and what comes after In Too Deep, a novella featured in bestselling erotica Forbidden Fruit Vol. 1.
Loraine, a sexual encounters addict wasn’t suppose to have a fear of penetration. A freak of nature, she’d never let a man in until Rick decided he would fix her. Rick thought he hit the jackpot making a deal to be Loraine’s daily fix. An addict himself, he thought he could fulfill his own addictions while he broke her in for another man… and so he could marry that man’s rich Mother… until he fell in too deep. When a deal between two sex addicts leads to nothing but trouble and heartache, Rick and Loraine rediscover their addictions. Both think it’s too late for love until Rick, doing the unthinkable, takes matters into his own hands.

If you haven’t read In Too Deep don’t read this Review  *** Spoiler Alert***

Review: 5 Stars

This story covers the time before the rape and Rick went to jail as well as what is going on between them after.  I know I said that In Too Deep was all kinds of messed up last time but in the seconde one  the amount of fucked- upedness (yeah making up words) that goes on is just bananas.  The family in the lives of these people have all lost their minds.  It blew me away and I loved every minute of it.  This one as well had a super shocker of an ending that makes me  want to steel Morgan Jane Mitchell’s laptop to get a look at it.

Grad it today and see what I an talking about!

Get the Bestselling Romantic Erotica Never Too Late at

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