Kitchen Scandals by Brooke Cumberland Blog Tour & Giveaway

Posted July 11, 2013 by Stephanie in Reviews / 1 Comment


She finally found the one… but he has a hidden secret. Could this be the breaking point for Molly? Has she endeared too much?

Drake and Molly had instant chemistry in Kitchen Affairs, but when his secret goes all wrong, their relationship will be tested, feelings get hurt, and limits will be reached.

Someone tries interfering with their relationship keeping them distant; longing for answers in all the wrong places.

Can they recover their once intense, sensual chemistry? Will love be enough? Secrets, betrayals, and scandals…

Chicago’s hottest couple, Molly & Drake, go through big changes, hidden secrets, and tragedies.

If you have not read Kitchen Affairs, you will need to read that book prior to Kitchen Scandals.  Molly is so sweet and she’s had a rough go of it…her husband died when their daughter was two months old and she’s raised her with the help of her gay best friend until she meets Drake.  Molly is a student in his Chef program and he finds she has captured him before he’s ever spoken to her.  

Their love story is really sweet, but in everything good, there’s evil.  There are trials every relationship must go through, but it seems Molly and Drake have more than their fair share of issues.  In Kitchen Scandals there are several events that these two come up against that most relationships would cease to exist if they were up against the same trials.  

Author Brooke Cumberland has written an amazing story of love.  She has added some unrequited loves as well to the story.  And of course there are the unexpected instances that threaten to tear Molly and Drake apart.  There was one point in the story I didn’t know if they would survive or if everything they believed in would be thrown away. 

Remember, relationships are hard.  You add a child and another male adult (gay in this case) to the relationship PLUS extras that are tearing at your trust and belief in each other it has to be real true love to survive those trials.  

About 50% of the way through the book I had to stop and message the author on Facebook and tell her I was not happy with the secondary characters of the book.  I was thoroughly ticked off!  Her response… “Looking forward to you finishing so I can get your reaction :-)”  When I got to the end…I shouted her name at her on Facebook.  LOL  She asked if she was in trouble.  Darn skippy!  I did not expect her to end the book in that fashion.  All I can say is….you should read this series!  For real…get them.  So good!

I have to give Kitchen Scandals 5 stars for the emotions alone!


“Thank you for this.” I grabbed her hands from the shirt she was picking up, and pulled her toward me. “You really are amazing.” I swept my lips across hers, urging them closer.

                  “Anchor, remember?” She grinned, brushing her lips against mine.

                  “Definitely.” I smiled back, pushing her up against the wall.

“Don’t start something you can’t finish,” she warned, teasing my lower lip with her teeth.

“I always finish what I start.” I smiled, and pulled her shirt up slightly, brushing my thumbs across her waist. Our relationship had overcome obstacles in the past. Of course, I knew something like bringing another child into the picture was a huge deal, but she was the only person I could imagine myself going through this with.

She placed her hands up my shirt, smoothing the skin underneath. She rounded my back, softly gripping my muscles under her nails.

“Your hands are freezing,” I muttered in her ear. “Let me warm them up.” I stared her in the eyes and mouthed, I love you.

“Show me,” she intrigued, biting my lower lip. I smiled, and pressed her ass against the wall. I lowered my hands down and lifted her up, wrapping her legs around my waist.

“I will show you until the day I die,” I muttered into her ear. I forcefully kissed her mouth, pushing my tongue in deep. I wanted to taste her, feel her arousal. Her mouth sweetened the more ready her body became. I urged her closer to me, pressing my thickness against her. She moaned against my lips, making me eager for more. Her hands landed in my hair, forcefully gripping her fingers between the strands. I loved when she pulled my hair. The intensity of it made me want her more, if that was even possible.

I rubbed my hands up her arms, moving them above her head. I leaned back for a quick moment, putting her back on her feet. I pulled her shirt up, removing it. I pressed my thumbs under her bra feeling her breasts harden under me. I moved one hand around her back to release her and give my hands more access to her.

“I love making love to you,” she whispered as I moved my lips down her neck.

“I love that you love making love to me.”

“That’s a tongue twister,” she giggled. I moved my lips under her ear, teasing the lobe between my teeth.

“I’ll show you a tongue twister.” I grabbed her ass again and lifted her to the bed. I laid her on the mattress, leaving her legs hanging off the edge. I removed her pants and threw them to the floor.

“That sounds like a challenge,” she tested.

“I do love a challenge,” I grinned. She smiled as I lowered my head to pull her panties down with my teeth. “I won’t even use my hands,” I promised.

“Oh my God, Drake… you are going to seriously kill me…” She continued her moans and hair pulling until I released her into orgasmic heaven. She begged for more, urging me inside her, but I continued playfully torturing her.

“Don’t worry… it’ll be a pleasurable death.” 

Author Bio:

Brooke is a midwestern gal, from the cheese state of Wisconsin! Go Packers! She’s a stay-at-home mom of three beautiful children (one daughter & two stepsons) and a black fury dog. She’s studied psychology in college, and counseling and education in graduate school where she found her love for writing. Most days you can find her reading or writing, or just hanging out with her family! She loves movies, cooking, and shopping! She’s addicted to Starbucks, Coach purses, and wearing yoga pants.

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About Stephanie

I'm a wife, mom of two, volunteer, reader, blogger, and author pimp. Welcome to my website!



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