Nightmare by Bethany Winters Release and Review

Posted October 14, 2022 by Renee Henson in Reviews / 0 Comments

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🃏Nightmare (Joker Night Book 1) by @bethanywintersauthor

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🥵Crazy, toxic, possessive ex-boyfriend

😈Lots of throat grabbing and “mine” vibes

🚩Red flags everywhere



He’s spent the last seven months in prison for assaulting the guy who hit on me.

I’ve spent the last seven months wishing I could forget about him.

I ignored my parents and friends when they told me he was bad for me. I loved him in spite of his crazy. Maybe even because of it.

But when the cops dragged him away that night, I decided I needed to do whatever it takes to get over him. I ignored his calls, refused to visit him and pretended he didn’t exist. I froze him out, hoping that would be enough to get him to leave me alone.

It wasn’t enough.


She’s all I’ve thought about for months. The entire time I was locked up, I was out of my mind thinking about her alone out here without my protection. Not being able to see or speak to her almost killed me, but I survived. Barely.

She thinks ignoring me will get me to disappear, but she should know me better than that.

It’s Joker Night—my first night of freedom—and I plan on making her pay for what she did. Right before I do whatever it takes to remind her how much she loves me.

Living a life with me won’t be easy. I know this. But living one without me just isn’t in the cards for her.

I’m taking my girl back and keeping her this time.

*Disclaimer* This is a 21,000-word novella with themes some readers might find offensive. It is book 1 of the Joker Night series but can be read as a complete standalone.

Renee’s Five Star Review 

I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie’s Book Reports.

This is the first book in the Joker Night Series and can be read as a standalone. It is however a dark book and you will want to heed the warnings in the beginning of the book. This book is also a novella but it doesn’t feel like your reading a short story at all.
Joker Night is the setting of this book and you will learn what that is when you read the book. However the relationship in this book is between Violet and Atticus. He has been in jail for seven months for assaulting a guy who tried to flirt with her. There is not a day that has gone by since he has gone to jail that he hasn’t thought about her. She on the other hand has used these seven months to basically freeze him out. Hasn’t accepted any calls. Hasn’t gone to see him one time and certainly hasn’t been thinking about him. Now that he is out he is going after his girl. After all she is his obsession. I can’t really tell you much more than this or I would give something away. This is however a really great little read. Packs a dark punch and almost melts the kindle out of your very hands.


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About Renee Henson

Renee Henson has an obsession with reading and reviewing. Especially anything that is a dark romance, fairy tale retelling, MC, and is trying her best to love the PNR worlds. Nothing is quiet as exciting to her as reading a good book and then talking about it or making comments while reading with her friends that have read the book too. She is always happiest with her kindle in her hand and her nose is a book. She has been reviewing for Stephanie's Book Reports for over ten years.

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