Skipping Stones Cover Reveal and Giveaway

Skipping Stones Cover Reveal and Giveaway

      They say there are five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.Not everyone will grieve in this order, nor will everyone go through every stage. It’s during the stage of denial when Alex Hart meets Andrew Foster. He takes her one-step closer to acceptance: the stage when new, meaningful relationships […]

Posted August 12, 2013 by Laura in Cover Reveal / 1 Comment
3000 Likes Giveaway!

3000 Likes Giveaway!

I have worked hard to find prizes that you will love because we appreciate every one of you liking our page.  We have custom jewelry, an amazing doodle, signed books, swag, ebooks, and gift cards just for you a Rafflecopter giveaway .    

Posted August 10, 2013 by Laura in Giveaway / 9 Comments
Home Sweet Home by Scarlett Metal

Home Sweet Home by Scarlett Metal

Book Description: Things for Lance and Samantha have been picture perfect since they reunited four years ago. They are happily married with a little girl and another baby on the way. Lance’s career with the Forbidden Gods is stronger than ever. Samantha has some best selling books to her name and her writing career is […]

Posted August 9, 2013 by Stephanie in Reviews / 0 Comments
Blissfully Undone by Red Phoenix Cover Reveal

Blissfully Undone by Red Phoenix Cover Reveal

  Book Blurb:   Two couples plan a mountain getaway, but only Dan Hayes and Jenny Cole make it before the blizzard strikes. With tons of time on their hands and a natural attraction for one another, things start to heat up. Dan is an unusually creative lover. By the time the two are rescued, […]

Posted August 8, 2013 by Laura in Cover Reveal / 0 Comments