Release Blitz: Echoes In Silence by Indie Black

Posted February 18, 2022 by Renee Henson in Reviews / 0 Comments

 Release Date: February 18

A dull-eyed girl, broken and alone,
living in a world drenched in violence.
Her story begins with bloodline sins,
and no one to save her from the echoes of silence.
I haven’t spoken in four years. Not a scream, not a cry, not a whimper. I learned a long time ago—the punishment for speaking out against my tormentors isn’t a price I’m willing to pay.
Not again. 
Forged in darkness and controlled in silence, I was caged for other’s twisted perversions. It wasn’t until four dark knights swooped in and sliced through the ropes binding me that I was finally free. They were supposed to be my saviors, but I was wrong. So. Incredibly. Wrong. The men who purchased me from my father are monsters—worse than those who haunt the shadows of my past.
At first, they whispered sweet promises of freedom, but now they say I’m theirs to keep. To own. I’m nothing more than a prisoner once again. Only this time, I might not need saving. Especially when their brand of darkness soothes the shattered pieces of my poisoned soul, and sets my desire for vengeance ablaze.
*Echoes of Silence is a DARK contemporary retelling of The Ugly Duckling, and 1 of 14 novels releasing in the Twisted Tales collection. It’s a depraved, gritty, and raw romance that contains scenes that may be triggering to some. The FMC is beautifully broken, yet undeniably fierce. Her dark knights are depraved and possessive, delighting in pushing her past her breaking point. This novel comes with massive triggers, so please heed the warning. Beware, it does end in a cliffhanger.
Renee’s Five Star Review
I received a copy of this book form the publisher/author to review for Stephanie’s Book Reports.
I am going to go ahead and warn you that this is a dark book. It will contains triggers for some readers and you will need to heed the warning sin the beginning of the book. There are things in here that made me just about want to pull my hair out or be sick for Wren but I pushed through and kept reading. I read a lot of dark book but this one really affected me for some reason. I think it was the way I felt like we got to know Wren and all she endured and just how broken she refused to become maybe. But something about it had me thinking about it more than I usually do. Wren is the main female character and I just have to take a moment and say I loved her. So Much. This girl has been through more things than a lot of characters I have read about and she is strong. So strong and much stronger than I think she realized at times. When the time come though she is bought and taken to a town and told she has been rescued. That’s the dream. But can she live in the reality or will she always be looking over her shoulder and having feelings of being watched or someone looking at her wrong? I think she too is a girl that didn’t like to be alone and liked to keep busy. She loves to read and learn and is really smarter than you would think she would be. When she mee guys who rescue her, Nix, Hush, Havoc and Kodiak , she doesn’t believe a word out of their mouths until she sees it for her self. She is instantly connected to Havoc, Kodiak is the boss of the operation and man is he a butt at times. As you read though you get the guys stories and they will break your heart but I don’t think we got all of Kodiak and I am still so curious about him. Hush is the gentle giant in the group and he doesn’t talk much, or he didn’t before Wren. Nix, is there tech guy and he is so so sweet to Wren and really takes the time to get to know her though questions of the day. I loved that and he might have stolen my heart. Havoc is a wild man. The youngest and eccentric and dresses so crazy, is loud and always always has something to say. I don’t think the guy ever shuts up but your going to love him just the same. He really cracked me up in some situation. I forgot to say this is a why choose book too. This story isn’t easy and it has its moments that will shock you, ones that will break your heart as your watching Wren change and grow. I could go on and on about this book. I have read a lot of the Twisted Tales Collections book but this one has to be my absolute favorite and I’m so use to those being complete stories. Echoes in Silence is not and I’m ok with that. I don’t mind a cliffhanger. I also am grateful that I was sitting in bed at two a.m. when I finished this book or I’d have screamed in frustration but not that reason alone. I love when you don’t see things coming in a book and it just surprises you so much you never see it coming and when you do you wanna throw your kindle through the wall. I felt that way and so so much more. I need the second one in my hands right now!!! I have a had a book hangover since reading this book and thought about these character’s a million times too. I loved every second I spent in this world and will dive back in to it head first again and again and again.

Grab Your Copy Here!

Meet Indie Black

Indie Black is a brand new baby author, taking a plunge into the book world. She’s a California native who prefers tacos over sushi, the beach over the mountains, and books over anything else. She’s a certified water snob, dog lover and will try just about anything that tastes like bubblegum.


To learn more about Indie Black and her books, visit here




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About Renee Henson

Renee Henson has an obsession with reading and reviewing. Especially anything that is a dark romance, fairy tale retelling, MC, and is trying her best to love the PNR worlds. Nothing is quiet as exciting to her as reading a good book and then talking about it or making comments while reading with her friends that have read the book too. She is always happiest with her kindle in her hand and her nose is a book. She has been reviewing for Stephanie's Book Reports for over ten years.

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