Sold to the Circus by Lani Lynn Vale Release & Review

Posted January 23, 2024 by Renee Henson in Reviews / 0 Comments

SOLD TO THE CIRCUS by Lani Lynn Vale is LIVE!

AITA: Am I the asshole?
Five years ago when she left, she broke my heart. No warning. No hey, this isn’t working out. No nothing. Just poof. One day she’s there, in my bed, and we’re talking about our futures. The next, she’s gone.
So when she shows up five years later and acts like she didn’t leave me with a broken heart, I get angry. So. Freakin’. Angry.
Of course, this is where I spiral. When we went through medical school together, we were on equal footing. Not anymore. Now I’m her attending, and I’ve made it my personal mission to make her life hell.
She wants to finish up her residency and finally become a doctor? Well, she’ll have to go through every single bad thing I can throw at her, first.
Seeping, maggot-infested, pus-filled bed sore? Yep, that’s hers to take care of. Man shitting every three seconds uncontrollably? That’s also hers. Man and woman having a baby while also in the throes of a divorce? You guessed it. Hers.
If I can make her leave after what she put me through, I’ll feel accomplished.
Only problem is, I forgot how determined Valhalla Singh was. Guess she’ll be reminding me.
Because Valhalla wasn’t named that for nothing.

Renee’s Five Star Review

I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie’s Book Reports.

This is the fifth book in the Welcome to the Circus Series from Lani Lynn Vale. If you have not read any of this books in this series, then you are missing some really great books. I have loved every single one of them and Sold to the Circus is no exception. This is the story of Val and Felix. These two have known each other for a long time. Five years ago she left him. She was in his bed one moment and they were planning a future and the next she is gone and now five years have passed. By the way she acts you would never know that she stomped on his heart and to add insult to injury, they are now having to work together. He is her attending and she is the resident. He however doesn’t know that she didn’t have a choice but to leave. When her father died she had to return home and run the circus with her siblings for two years. She has put in her time and the circus can now run in once place and she is ready to get back to her dream of being a doctor. She had not a clue that Felix had moved during the years she was away and is now going to basically be her boss. He also doesn’t know that she broke her own heart just as much as she did his. But he is angry, will not listen and is now going to make her life as miserable as he possibly can.
You get to run the wheel of emotions reading this book. It will put your emotions in the ringer. I loved these characters and they story they had to tell is one I didn’t put down until I was finished. Like I said this entire series has been so good. I am so glad there is a book left to go. I am going to be so sad when this series ends.






About Renee Henson

Renee Henson has an obsession with reading and reviewing. Especially anything that is a dark romance, fairy tale retelling, MC, and is trying her best to love the PNR worlds. Nothing is quiet as exciting to her as reading a good book and then talking about it or making comments while reading with her friends that have read the book too. She is always happiest with her kindle in her hand and her nose is a book. She has been reviewing for Stephanie's Book Reports for over ten years.

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