Surviving You by Dawn A. Keane

Posted October 12, 2015 by Virginia Carey in Cover Reveal / 0 Comments

by Dawn Keane

dawncoverTitle: Surviving You (Sameless Series Book 2)

Author: Dawn A. Keane

Cover reveal: October 12, 2015

Release Date: November 21, 2015

Genre: Dark Suspenseful Thriller

Hosted by: S.B.B. Promotions



“Thou shalt take the boy out of Manchester, but you cannot take Manchester out of the boy.”

Lee –
I’m a killer, a hardened criminal born into the underbelly of an unlawful world that my father crafted, and I am to be crowned the next King. I used to covet the dark; it has forever been my friend and forgives me my sins. A slither of light has dared me to hope, it has my house of cards tumbling all around me. From the moment I saw her I knew she would be my downfall, for how can something that shines so bright not burn? Yet, she is my salvation and I gladly walk the path that I have chosen….
Rose –
I cringe at my own shadow; dark corners of my mind forever torment me. I have yet to escape from my demons; they beseech me with every turn of my head. Yet lurking is a promise, a promise of things to come. It has my heart in a vice; squeezing the last dregs of a love I never thought I could feel again. From the moment I saw him I knew he would be my downfall, for how can something that smoulders so dark not singe? Yet, he is my redemption and I gladly walk the path that I have chosen….
“Thou shalt always protect the family.”


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About Virginia Carey



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