The Pirate by Amelia Wilde Release and Review

Posted April 19, 2022 by Renee Henson in Reviews / 0 Comments

The Pirate by Amelia Wilde is now live!

A hard wind. Salt on his tongue. The endless night. Those are the things Poseidon wants to find as he climbs to the deck. He doesn’t expect to see a dehydrated young woman clinging to a red-and-white buoy. He rescues her, but he’s no savior. She’s an heiress. Valuable if he holds her for ransom. And why wouldn’t he? He’s hunted treasure all his life. Except once he’s had a taste of her, he’s not sure he can give her up. A modern-day pirate with a dark past. A fierce young woman with secrets of her own. And the adventure of a lifetime. The Pirate is the complete Devil trilogy in one volume! “Amelia Wilde has done it again With The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, delivering another amazing read full of dark, mysterious and flawed but beautiful characters.” – Tina, Goodreads reviewer “Modern day pirate?? Count me in! This was quick, delicious and captivating!!! There is action,danger, sizzling romance and an antihero that will steal your heart!” – Lina the Book Addict

Renee’s Five Star Review I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie’s Book Reports.
Such an amazing three books in one collection. I loved ever word on every page and it will be a story that I will read again many times over in the future. I love a great pirate story and this one is absolutely amazing. The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: I’m going to go ahead and warn you that your not going to put this book down once you pick it up and you will be through before you know and and wanting more. This is the story of Poseidon and Ashley. Ashley is a rich girl who lost her mother when she was kidnapped and held for ransom and then killed. Now her father is way overprotective and only lets her go to all girls school so when her boyfriend asks her to go out on his parents yacht for spring break she lies and says she is with her girl friends. However her boyfriend has a drug problem and when dealer come onto the boat and do horrible things Ashley ties her self to a bayou and jumps in the sea. Poseidon is a man who loves the sea more than he loves life. He also is in some shady business but on a restless night he knows that something is off and sees Ashley floating in the sea and saves her life. But, then he finds out who she is and decides to keep her until a price is paid for her. A Deal With The Devil We finished the first book with a big thing happening. Now they have an even bigger threat than that and it comes in the form of Ashley’s dad and the reason why just broke my heart. I literally wanted to hurt that man bad!!! We also get glimpses of Poseidon’s past with this foster father Crono’s and he is equally as horrible in a different way. My poor Hades!!! But now we get to see the relationship with Ashley and Poseidon really take off and you also get to see the rest of the guys interact with her. There are secrets revealed and the end of the book really tore my heart out. I about died along with Poseidon. Devil May Care This is the last book. I am so sad about that as I have loved spending all this time with Poseidon and Ashley. If you have not started this series then you need to begin with The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea and then A Deal with the Devil. Then you will be ready for Devil May Care. This book picks up where book two ended and we find that Ashley and Poseidon are on land on Haven Island. A place that has its own rules and everyone is safe and sound unless someone decides to break that rule and then it is every man for himself. He is building a new ship. But as you can imagine a pirate on land is not a very good thing and Poseidon is feeling that down to his very bone and is about to lose it. The man can’t even sleep and all it ever does is rain. That alone would drive me crazy. But you know that he has a relationship with the sea and when he goes to her he is able to stop the rain!!! He is trying to get his crew all to the island and the new ship is taking forever to build. But there is also danger lurking and this danger is not good at all. We also get Hades and Zeus in this book and I was so happy to see them again. It has been to long but Poseidon has lessons to learn about family and they may just teach him what that means. And then there is the quest that Poseidon has been on to put back together his passed on moms rosary. Can he do it. If he can’t what will happen? Will Ashley stay with him or will he push her away? This book is amazing and I loved every second of it and was more emotional about it than I thought I would be. Do not miss this series. You never will know if you love a modern day pirate or not if you never give him the chance. Posidean is well worth taking the chance on. Once he steals your heart you will never ever get it back.

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Meet Amelia

Amelia Wilde is a USA TODAY bestselling author of dangerous contemporary romance and loves it a little too much. She lives in Michigan with her husband and daughters. She spends most of her time typing furiously on an iPad and appreciating the natural splendor of her home state from where she likes it best: inside.

Connect with Amelia








About Renee Henson

Renee Henson has an obsession with reading and reviewing. Especially anything that is a dark romance, fairy tale retelling, MC, and is trying her best to love the PNR worlds. Nothing is quiet as exciting to her as reading a good book and then talking about it or making comments while reading with her friends that have read the book too. She is always happiest with her kindle in her hand and her nose is a book. She has been reviewing for Stephanie's Book Reports for over ten years.

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