Uncontested by Alyssa Turner Release and Review

Posted March 8, 2022 by Renee Henson in Reviews / 0 Comments

Title: Uncontested
Series: Unmatched #3
Author: Alyssa Turner
Genre: Reverse Harem BDSM Dark Romance
Release Date: March 8, 2022
Their pet has outgrown her collar.
Five thrones sit in the playroom beneath the most notorious BDSM club in Paris. Four of the five founders still reign as kings in this kingdom. Only Club Duval has been closed for over a year, and play time is long over.
Five kings, and in the absence of one, four have fallen for the same woman. Oleg Balashov and Dr. Henri Gerard have the pleasure of calling her their pet, and yet Samantha Hunter doesn’t quite fit the description. She is neither pet nor feral, neither predator nor prey, neither submissive nor dominant. Samantha is all those things in one, and she doesn’t want to choose.
Five Doms and two share a spark that won’t go away. But Ivan Galois’ secret shame has turned into rage and only the Dom who knows him best, Paolo Signorino and Samantha, the woman who shares his worst nightmares, can slay his demons.
It’s a new day at Club Duval and the game has a whole new set of rules.
This book is the conclusion to the Unmatched Series.
Note: Subjects of a dark and explicit nature are discussed in this book including past traumas and the effects of abuse.
Renee’s Five Star Review
I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie’s Book Reports.
This is the third book in the Unmatched Series from Alyssa Turner. You need to read Unmeasured and Unleashed before you even think about diving in to this one or you will be really lost. I don’t even know where to start to begin to review this book. I can say that there is a whole lot of growth from all the characters in this book. After all this isn’t your usual book between a man and a woman this is five characters. I feel like I should too warn you that you just might want to throw your kindle up against the wall. I don’t know that a book has made me that mad in a very long time and I might have shed a tear or two also. I was so invested in this book and I am really glad I got to read all three of them back to back to back basically or I would have been a stalker waiting on the next book to come out. This is my first time reading Alyssa Turner and I loved this book and the other two so very much. I will for sure be checking out her other books. You do not want to miss this one it is a great why choose BDSM series.
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Ivan hugged Samantha to his body. She struggled in his arms.
“Let me down!” she screamed. “Let me back in there!”
Surely, he’d heard her wrong. “You’re safe. I’m taking you out of here.”
“No! Let me back,” she bellowed, her eyes wide and wild and wet. “I want to…I can’t let him get away with what he…”
Ivan hugged her even tighter. “I know.” It was all he could say as he took the stairs two at a time to the main floor.
Her tears came in a flood then, and her grip tightened around his neck. Her legs had stopped kicking. “I want to kill him,” she said, though her voice was broken now.
Ivan pressed on to the lobby and met Paolo at the top of the stairwell, who nodded once and held out his hand. “Give me the keys. Alex took Marielle in your car, but I couldn’t leave without…” He trailed off, having caught the feral look in Samantha’s eyes. Ivan had seen it, too.
In the car, Samantha curled against him in the back seat, while Paolo tapped anxiously on the steering wheel. They were all silent until Samantha finally spoke.
“Where are Oleg and Henri?”
“They’ll be here soon.” They’d better be, Ivan thought as he watched a police cruiser pass slowly by, the officers eyeing the tinted windows of their car. Silencers or not, he couldn’t help feeling as if time was running out.
Time is a spiteful thing when the stakes are high.
In a burst of new energy, Samantha grabbed the door release and had almost managed to climb out when Ivan grabbed ahold of her waist.
“I need to go back in there! I need…” Her words lurched forth on tearful retches.
He held on tight, and she turned her anger on him, slapping him in the face and scratching at his hands.
“Oh, Samantha.” He spared one arm from his hold at her waist to trail the track of her tears with his thumb. “Baby girl…I know…I know how you feel.” He kissed the side of her head, through the mess of blonde matted against her temple. “They will all get what is coming to them.”
That seemed to make her cry harder. She bit her lip, steeling herself, it seemed. She shook her head, her pretty face screwed into a knot of restrained fury.
Doors on either side of the SUV opened. Oleg slipped into the passenger seat, and Henri into the back seat, next to Samantha.
Henri’s hands were covered in blood. His entire body quaked as if the earth trembled beneath him. “Drive,” he said. His voice was deep and serious, and also shaky. He put his arm around Samantha, and she melted into him. Ivan loosened his grip on her, though it physically pained him to do so.
“Come here, my love.” Henri’s voice had cleared, awake now, no longer lost to that far off place. “Are you hurt?”
She stiffened a bit but answered him. “I’m fine.”
Ivan knew the truth. She wasn’t fine. She wouldn’t be fine for a long time.
“Uncontested (Unmatched #3) is the fantastic final book in this deliciously thrilling and exciting, must read trilogy!” ~ Jill, Goodreads
“Turner is able to give us everything we wanted and needed in this epic conclusion of the Unmatched series.” Amanda, Goodreads
“She doesn’t just write an erotic novel, she writes a story with characters that continue to captivate me.” Anonymous Girl, Goodreads
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The Unmatched Series is part of the Love Has No Regrets collection by Alyssa Turner
Alyssa believes when characters speak to you, you’ve got to listen. She’s been all ears and writing stories in all lengths since childhood. She only wonders where those notebooks of handwritten dramas ended up.
Almost everyone tags her romances as habanero hot, and with her proclivity for the ménage genre, Alyssa is often recognized for weaving complexity and emotional depth into her characters. She has so much fun writing, she can never be relied upon to put the wash into the dryer any time after 10 PM. Luckily, she is married to the most understanding husband in the world.
The Love Has No Regrets collection of novels by Alyssa Turner includes several series with familiar characters threaded into each story. Her LHNR world is ever growing, spanning from Manhattan to Paris, with reverse harem, ménage and polyamorous love that answers only to the heart. Read more about Alyssa Turner and preview her published works on her blog. https://www.alyssaturnerwrites.com

About Renee Henson

Renee Henson has an obsession with reading and reviewing. Especially anything that is a dark romance, fairy tale retelling, MC, and is trying her best to love the PNR worlds. Nothing is quiet as exciting to her as reading a good book and then talking about it or making comments while reading with her friends that have read the book too. She is always happiest with her kindle in her hand and her nose is a book. She has been reviewing for Stephanie's Book Reports for over ten years.

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